Saturday, April 26, 2008

Pure Bliss

La Nina. El Nino. Global warming. Whatever you want to call it, our weather sucks.

By now, Oregon is usually basking in the glow of warm, sunshine but NOT this year! It's been unseasonably cold and wet. I can take the damp, cool weather for most of the winter, but come Spring, I need the sun on my face to get rid of that deep chill in my bones.

Today we are blessed with beautiful weather, but it will likely be short-lived. Earlier, predictions were for two nice days in a row (Imagine!) but now the next 6 show more precipitation. Ach!

At least I understand, this is not the norm. But those who just moved to Oregon are the ones for whom I feel the most empathy. What they've no doubt heard so often about Oregon is proving true. Incessant rain!

But what they may not get yet, is that once the sun and warm weather do arrive, it will be pure bliss. No humidity. No mosquitoes. No matter how high the mercury rises, there will always be a cool breeze! Ahhhh...

That's what makes it worth hangin' in there for we who have lived here long enough know, "This, too, shall pass".