Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Long and Short of it

Ah, Hair! From the beginning of time, it's been the subject of so much angst and ink.

In the grand scheme of life, we know it's a small matter. After all, except for the follically-challenged, it just keeps growing. But in a smaller scope, it is our "crowning glory", our "freak flag", a signature of sorts. Whether it's long or short or in-between, it's the first thing others see.

Wanting what we don't have is only human nature. The curly-headed among us long for pin straight hair while those who have it wish theirs could be full of va-va-voom and volume.

Like many others, I used to want what I didn't have: curls. Back in the 80's, I suffered through countless perms--with bad pictures as proof--only to come to the eventual (rightful!) conclusion that I should wear my hair the way it was meant to be: the way it is, straight with a slight wave.

That's not to say I've always enjoyed it. Au contraire.

Long hair doesn't favor everyone but that was 'the look' for so long, I never stopped to think if it suited me. It didn't so I realized it had to go.

My new shoulder-length cut was a great adjustment but reactions were so favorable, I shoulda done it sooner. Ever since I made peace with my natural color and style, my hair is a mere afterthought. Wash and wear. No fuss, no muss.

So, how do you like your hair?