Monday, May 12, 2008

Win, Lose or Draw

When I look back on my childhood, I can honestly say it was a happy one with two parents at the helm who loved each other; a home devoid of abuse of any kind, physical or emotional; no alcoholism, incest, gambling or adultery.

At the time, I never knew how lucky I was. Though that's not to say I felt lucky. On the contrary, I always felt deprived because my parents never caved in to giving us whatever we wanted.

Instead, they focused all their attention and income on giving us other "things"; that which they knew was more important: good food, a warm, clean bed, a private school education and LOVE, lots of unconditional LOVE.

That's not to say I grew up in la-la-land. Ha-ha-hardly!

My mom was a screamer. Ach! Now, looking back, I can see why. She had four teenagers during the 60's and 70's. There was a revolution going on but not just in the music industry. The era of 'Drugs, Sex and Rock 'n' Roll' definitely took its toll.

That my parents survived those years and stayed together is nothing short of a miracle but not unlike all my friends' parents who were dealt the same cards.

Deal or fold? My parents dealt with us, head on and we were better off because of it.

Something only time and wisdom could impart.