Myanmar. China. Thailand. Indonesia. Bali.
Whenever a major natural disaster occurs anywhere in the world, the USA is quick to offer aid but when our own needed immediate rescue [Hurricane Katrina], where was the relief?
The same is true of other crises. We are so quick to offer help to some (mortgage bankers) while letting others (homeowners) languish.
Now we have an undeniable war-without-end on our hands, unless we elect someone who is willing and able to 'pull the plug'.
If all the revenue we send world-wide annually, including to Israel, were actually u$ed here, to $pend on infrastructure (bridges, roads, schools, alternative energy, etc) perhaps our economy wouldn't be in such dire $trait$.
If Uncle Sam helped American citizens as readily as he helps others, just think what a better America this could be!
Naive`? Perhaps! Idealistic? You bet!
That. I. am.