In one week, we went from woolens to linens to woolens. Oh, my!
That's Oregon...unseasonably cool or hot but mostly unpredictable.
I actually like it. For one thing, our weather is never boring. It's not unusual to experience extreme temperature fluctuations like last week--from 60's to 90's--which makes living here very interesting.
Truth is, I wouldn't live where the weather was perpetually the same and the seasons, indistinguishable.
Like everything else in life, I suppose it's because we are all creatures of habit and products of our environment. Having lived north of the 45th parallel my whole life probably explains why a change of seasons and temperatures is so vital to me.
I need variety.
I love the rain on my face, sun on my back and wind in my hair. I need the cold as much as I need the warmth.
But had I grown up in the South, I'd probably love seeing the Big Yellow Orb, day in and day out, living in lightweight clothing twelve months of the year.
For my skin's sake, I'm glad I was born a Northerner. And for my soul's sake,
I'm glad I live Out West!