A creative life is one unlike the norm. Most people who write or sing or paint for a living do not inhabit the usual 9 to 5 world. Theirs is a full-time endeavor stretching beyond the confines of a designated time frame.
To be sure, being creative for a living is one of uncertainty, insecurity and some may say, insanity; definitely not for the faint of heart. It requires both a strong faith and belief in oneself beyond what it takes to fulfill the eight hours of day most people work.
No clock to punch or daily assignment from a superior, it is a life of self-discipline and motivation. Without it, nothing gets accomplished.
The life of an artist is difficult to categorize. Often dependent on inspiration, an intangible concept, one cannot make beautiful 'anything' without being inspired whether by muses or visuals.
To stifle the negative self-talk and nay-sayers requires a steely dedication and determination, one that runs non-stop.
The great grandfather of Portland's art scene, Harry Wentz, once said:
"Art is not a profession; it is a way of life."
I couldn't have said it better!