Though I recognize a person's being is more a result of DNA than anything else, still, I believe the position of stars and planets at the time of one's birth has an uncanny influence on one's personality.
Each astrological sign, ruled by certain planets, is one of four elements: air, earth, fire or water.
And it makes all the difference!
For example, as an Aquarian, an air sign ruled by Uranus, planet of unpredictability, I need lots of AIR! Space. Freedom. Independence.
Ditto, for the two other air signs: Libra and Gemini.
Fire signs, Leo, Sagittarius and Aries are known for their intensity. You do not want to invoke the wrath of a fire sign!
Earth signs, Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, are the workhorses of the zodiac. Stubborn as the day is long, those born under an Earth sign are usually dogged in their determination. Get out of their way!
And then there's the Water signs: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Aahhhh, how to say this nicely? Wishy-washy, overly-sensitive and moody, those born under a water sign usually have the most drama in life but, not sure why, seem to revel in their travails. Sigh!
Looking around at the people in my life, it's easy to see their "element" fits them to a tee. So, it's not lost on me how strongly the planets influence our yins, yangs and yearnings.