Zip Cars. Flex-Cars. Smart Cars.
There are some very peculiar-looking vehicles on the road these days as everyone scrambles to find cheaper ways to get around the city.
I did a double-take recently when I noticed a three-wheeled auto resembling a go-cart, was driving alongside me. In my average-sized sedan, I felt like a giant. It was even small enough to be in the bike lane, though I'm sure bicyclists wouldn't hear of that.
With so many different modes of transportation to choose from, I am proud to live in such a progressive city (as Portland) which encourages us to move toward future solutions using these alternatives.
Yes, it makes city driving more challenging as nowadays we must be ever-vigilant of commuters on bikes, scooters and 3-wheelers. But considering their conscientious motives to tread lighter and use less oil, that's an easy concession.
We, the driving public, should be very grateful...and watchful of them.