Sunday, June 29, 2008

Fact or Fiction

"I may not be perfect but parts of me are excellent."

That saying not only gave me a chuckle but it's one I remember from time to time, like a self-affirmation, whenever I may get down about my shortcomings.

For example, I cannot read novels. The sub-plots and multi-layered personalities of various characters are too tedious to pile on top of my already-overloaded brain. Add in reverse-chronology, I am lost.

Prequels, sequels, trilogies? Forgetaboutit!!

I blame this on my attention-challenged psyche; easily distracted, it may take me three times to read one paragraph for full comprehension. That's no way to enjoy any book!

When "The Da Vinci Code" was all the rage, I wanted to understand why. Ditto "The Celestine Prophecy", "The Secret", and "The Four Agreements".

Still, no can do. I read for information or inspiration--not to escape. Just the facts, please and a few visuals like political cartoons suit me fine.

As for the NY Times bestselling novels, I'll wait for movie versions--even though they rarely do the original piece justice and may never be as exciting as cracking the spine of a fresh novel.

Still, it beats being out of the literary loop.

Excellence not perfection!