Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I've lived in Portland for 28 years and today I had a first! Not something I'm proud of but something that was certain to catch up with me...eventually.

"Instant karma's gonna get you." And get me, it did!

Got pulled over for speeding. Yup! Had never been pulled over by Portland's finest...till today.

Not that I haven't deserved LOTS of tickets long ago for the same offense. I have been flying around the streets of Portland, especially Northeast...for almost 30 years. So, I consider myself lucky that it's taken the cops this long to get me.

After he introduced himself as Officer John _______________something, I didn't hear another thing until he said his "radar clocked me going 59 in a 45 mile zone".

O.K. Fair enough.

While sitting there waiting for my verdict, I entertained visions of Officer John giving me a 'warning'.

Ha. Fat chance! Adding insult to injury, some guy driving by in a red Volvo yelled at us, "Yeah, get her! She was flying!"

Ouch! OK, OK; Mea Culpa!


Except for the economical crunch, it was fairly painless. He took less than 10 minutes to cite me for speeding and I was off, hoping I wouldn't get pulled over again in the same day.

As I drove away from the curb, I vowed to never $peed again!


Yeah, right!