Never been a big fan of flying but I have, finally, gotten over my fear of it.
Still, I'm glad that, at this writing, I have no need or intention of boarding a "big bird". Not only is it more expensive now, most airlines have resorted to nickle and dime-ing their customers in an effort to offset higher fuel costs.
A recent report really brought it home.
"Flying is no longer something to enjoy but to endure."
Ha. That's the only way I've ever coped with flying: by sheer endurance of...cramped quarters, shared arm rests, long hours and crying babies! Ach!
I consider flying to be a sacrifice, a complete surrender of control, decisions and time lines. Unless one lives in the lap of luxury, where money is no object and first class is always the way to go, flying is no longer an enjoyable mode of transportation.
Not that it ever was for this fly girl!