Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Personal Problem

Have you, like me, ever wondered about the differences in vegetarianism? If so, have a seat; class is in session. Herewith, a glossary to clarify.

Vegan: Similar to a vegetarian diet but excludes all animal products. That means no eggs, dairy, nothing with gelatin or animal rennet in it. Some people also choose not to eat honey.

Raw Food: In this diet, food cannot be heated above 115 degrees. Those who follow a raw food diet believe foods cooked above that temperature have lost vital nutrients and may be harmful.

Vegetarian: This diet excludes meat from any animal including poultry and fish.

Pescatarian: The same as a vegetarian diet but includes fish and shellfish.

Lacto-vegetarian: a vegetarian diet that includes dairy products but no eggs.

Ovo-vegetarian: a vegetarian diet that includes eggs but no dairy products.

Flexitarian: just as the name implies, this diet is flexible/mostly vegetarian but meat is eaten on occasion.

The last entry proves that vegetarianism is in the mouths of the beholders. It seems to me if one eats more than only vegetables, one would no longer be a vegetarian--OF ANY KIND--with or without a prefix disclaimer.

Furthermore, if I ever heard someone say, "I'm a lacto-vegetarian", I'd say it sounds like a personal problem, best kept to oneself...which is pretty much what I think about vegetarians.
