Monday, August 4, 2008


In an effort not to offend foreign visitors, Chinese officials have ordered all food venues to curtail the sale of "prepared dog" on their menus during the Olympics.

Upon reading this report, my immediate response was "Ewwwwww!" but the truth is: had I grown up eating dog meat, I'd probably think nothing of it...just as I do whenever I eat cow, pig or chicken.

Were those animals singled out as acceptable livestock to slaughter and consume in America because, aesthetically-speaking, they're the least attractive? The most plentiful?

I kept waiting for the author to report that dog tastes "just like chicken" but was surprised to read it tastes like lamb. That's some strong meat!

I'm not going to make any wise cracks about tough times in America and missing dogs but I will say this. Despite not being a "dog" person, the very thought of eating man's best friend makes me want to heave...

...proving once again, we are all nothing more than creatures of habit and indoctrination.