Whenever I hear people say they have a hard time sleeping, I feel sorry for them because sleeping is one of life's richest rewards.
Back in the day when I waited tables, I'd literally fall into bed after a busy night of running circles around not only, customers but oftentimes, co-workers; arg! Oh, but I digress!
It's called "the sleep of the righteous!"
Those who labor, those who work on their legs for eight hours, those who do physical work (i.e. construction, landscaping, printing, etc) have NO TROUBLE falling into slumber.
No surprise!
Being creative also requires labor of a different kind but tiring just the same. Leaning over a piece of work whether at the computer, with an instrument or at a project table, can also prove to be physically demanding in a mental capacity--equally-exhausting.
I am grateful to count myself amongst those who have no trouble contacting the sandwoman everynight. Fortunately, she and I are goooood friends!