Saturday, March 29, 2008


I read in NY Times that on this day in history, March 29, 1973 the last troops were evacuated from Vietnam. After years of fighting and countless lives lost, our boys finally came home from Southeast Asia.

Just two months before that, on Jan. 22, another groundbreaking event, Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights law, was passed,

Those historical events happened mere months before I graduated from high school. (Go ahead, do the math; I'm proud of my age!)

Those were heady times. I remember feeling invincible.

I was eighteen, for God's sake! Regardless of the political landscape, I felt like I had the world on a string. I most certainly DID NOT..but I FELT LIKE I DID!

Therein lies the diff!

We were free from Vietnam and I was free from high school.

At the time, Alice Cooper had two hits on heavy rotation: "School's Out" "No more classes, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks!" and "Eighteen" ("...and I don't know what I want!")

Timely anthems for someone like me who was glad to be FREEEEEE!

Ah, 1973...was a very good year!