Sunday, March 30, 2008


I love nostalgia as much as the next person but it's one thing to think fondly of a former memory and then there's dreaming.

One mom who wrote an op-ed, asked: "Why don't children play outside anymore? Why don't they build stick forts?"

"Why don't they run around and play games like 'kick the can' anymore?"

I'm not a parent but I am astutely aware the dangers kids face today are ten times more prevalent than when we were young.

Can you say PERVERTS!?!?!? Pedophiles used to lurk in dark shadows, but these days they've become so bold as to abduct kids right off the street in broad daylight.

And. They. Are. Everywhere.

Most children play organized sports nowadays or go to a community center where there's always adult supervision or a life guard. Unfortunately, an occasional bad-apple coach or teacher found guilty of inappropriate behavior with a child crops up in the news from time to time, but the majority have their charges' best interests at heart.

However, when kids are home, it's a whole different ball game. There are a number of distractions; the biggest one, something we didn't have as children: the Internet.

Unless this mother is living in the outer limits of reality, she must understand why children today are not outside kicking a can!

Stick Forts?? What century is she living in?

Kids today are owners of various i-gadgets, always texting their friends or incessantly connected online while others are grossly over-scheduled and simply don't have time for silly games which require an empty tin can.

Times have changed, Mom! Get with the program or go back to your Little House on the Prairie.
