Monday, December 22, 2008

Acrtic Blast 2008

After over a week of wild and crazy, history-making weather in these parts, it is now a necessity to stay home, holed up.

When stuck indoors for any length of time, most folks get cabin fever. Not me!! I revel, delighted to know I don't have to be or go anywhere.

Instead, I can use this time to create.

It's like a free pass, unemcubered by routine, to just be creative. Sure, pesky things like meals and laundry still need tending but overall, life as we know it, comes to a screeching halt!

And I couldn't be happier!

While Mother Nature and Old Man Winter continue to pelt us with more precipitaion, they are nudging us towards all that we procrastinate.

This mandatory down-time offers the perfect opportunity to delve into those closets and drawers waiting for "some day...".

That day has, officially, arrived!

Hhhmmm, organize or create?

Not a tough choice pour moi!