Jury Duty ...
What a trip!
Of course(!!) I got seated on panel today...not for a one- but seven-day trial! Guess you could say I got a temp job.
After taking public transportation, going through long lines and security, I got settled in the assembly room seated next to none other than our city's mayor. Uh-huh!! Tom Potter!
When I first joined his table--where only one other guy was sitting--I didn't acknowledge him (so as to respect his privacy). But once I finally addressed him, I said, "Now, alongside YOU, I'm honored to do jury service!!!!". He shot back his signature smile, approvingly.
The other guy finally asked, "How is it that the mayor can't get out of jury service?" to which he replied, "Since I'm always advocating for others to do their civic duty, it'd be pretty hypocritical if I didn't do it, too."
In the third round, after my name was called, I wished him a well-deserved, great retirement. Off I went...
The case I'm on? Big, Fat YAWNER! The 'voire dire' portion of the process was more interesting; one woman (actually!) said her hobbies are "bar-hopping and TV"; she (of course!) is my seat mate. Oy!
When, at 4:30PM, I whispered "only 30 more minutes!", she chimed in, "...and 6 days!!!!!!!!"
Oh, yeah, must remember: Civic Duty!