Monday, September 15, 2008

No Fun

As a member of the human race, I have often wondered, "What's it all about, Alfie?"

Well, it only took a little over a half a century to figure out, but by cracky, I think I've got it:




That's right. "It" is all about hormones! Plain and simply, hormones rule our moods, our hunger, our libido, all our needs, wants, urges and desires.

There's a hormone to alert our hunger and another to suggest we are satiated; a hormone that surges when we're all fired up and another to signal a need for sleep.

One hormone dictates our internal clock and another wakes us up.

If I'd only known the answer, long ago, to this age-old question, I may have used intellect over impulse...and perhaps saved myself a lot of grief.

But I also would've missed a lot of fun.

So, the question begs, "Can we fight our hormones?"

Why yes, I believe that's called restraint...but then,


...that's no fun!