Wednesday, September 17, 2008


We often hear that people can't or don't change: attitudes, habits, opinions. For the longest time, I agreed with this assessment...until both my mate and I went through great changes.

Fundamentally, I am still the same person--my likes and dislikes--but in the greater scheme of life, I'm not!

No longer do I care to entertain a cadre of friends or to sit and talk at length--with anyone. In fact, no matter where, I prefer silence.

No idle chatter, please! Or drama! Save it fo' yo' mama! Friends Forever? NOT!
Some were just too draining or needy. I simply outgrew them.

As one (former) friend used to say, "It's called pruning the dead wood".


Change comes to many of us in such subtle increments that it's difficult to see the seismic activity happening below the surface.

We tend to believe that all or any change sucks...but in reality, it can bring about the best outcomes even if, at the time, we can't see how or why.

For better or worse, change equals growth.

Save for a handful of loved ones, no longer do I care what other people think--the greatest gift for surviving all the ch-ch-changes!