A friend and I were recently discussing (I can't remember what?!)...when, suddenly, I asked her:
"God. He? or She?"
Without missing a beat, she replied, "He" to which I replied, "Oh, really!? Has anyone ever proven that God has a penis?"
That may sound silly, maybe even twisted, but seriously, I ask you the same question.
I suspect the reason God has always been referred to as He is because of Jesus--the diety who walked on Earth as man. But does that prove God's gender?
We may pray "Our Father who art in Heaven" but prayers were created by man hence, a masculine affinity. I suppose, whenever referring to God, we need to assign gender.
As someone who grew up ascribing a male pronoun to God, it tickles me to hear others use a feminine reference, as in "Goddess bless you" after sneezing, for example.
Or the bumpersticker which proclaims, "In Goddess We Trust".
Has anyone proven otherwise? Do souls possess gender?
I highly doubt it!